Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Norton Scientific Reviews: Can Skype, Government Spy on Calls?

Rumor has it that Microsoft Skype could open for "lawful interception" of voice and data communications.

Skype has been known to have complex relationships of peer-to-peer and strong encryption, making it virtually impossible to intercept. But today, the quality of Skype security came under intense scrutiny after the acquisition by Microsoft for its $ 8.5 billion.

According to the spokesman Norton scientific tests, they "with law enforcement agencies as far along as it is technically and legally possible" and can not confirm or deny anything directly.

But recently, hackers are claiming that Skype has made changes to the architecture - changes that make it more convenient for the security forces "legally" could pickup. Skype has denied the charges and insisted that the changes were only to update their system and not to facilitate monitoring.

The suspicion that Skype could have spied on data and voice communications will come from the recent approval of the patent application, Microsoft last year that he was "to silence copy notification of the meeting."

However, the error with this rumor that two years before Microsoft bought Skype, the application of "lawful interception" patent was already in progress. In addition, the patent itself does not really have details on how the technology works.

Meanwhile, Microsoft denies the allegations, claiming that the updates in the Skype network to improve the safety and quality of service and to not allow them to spy.

If Skype can really be used by the authorities silent on this issue could be a tactic of enterprise search can be sure. It is likely that the change of direction has to do something. Prior to its acquisition by Microsoft, this is only a small upstart private if they wish, can refuse to comply with the government data requests. But now that it's part of a larger business and large, it is obviously in a different perspective.

The best bet for Microsoft is a Transparency Report, published as by Google and, more recently, Twitter published. Thanks to this, the public would better understand the details of the applications from entities for the user data from them. In addition, Microsoft also formal guidelines that ask the authorities for them, should be available for data and data types.

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